Tuesday 30 October 2007

Just rewards

The world never ceases to amaze me.

Frequently, you hear about the odd person biting the dust by getting hit by a train. Every single time I wonder how incredibly stupid the person must be. There is absolutely no excuse for getting hit by a train - if it is by accident, that is. Okay, there is one excuse: you are blind. But none of these people getting hit nowadays are blind and if they are then they are excluded anyway.
You are able to actually see the train coming, it does not come at the speed of light (some trains move very fast though but you are still able to both hear and see it) and if the people gotten hit had bothered to look (which seems to me like common sense) around before crossing the tracks, the accident would never have happened. The train even horns if it is out on the country (where it moves at highest speed) and if it's in the middle of a city it will slow down so you are very much able to see it beforehand. I just cannot imagine how it is possible to get hit by a sodding train (unless you are committing suicide but that is fucking selfish - think of the driver, you will put him in incredible shock, maybe even ruin his life because you're selfish and ain't got the guts to hang or shoot yourself however you are still selfish because of all your friends and family that you leave behind, wrecked and shocked).

I am serious when I say that I have no sympathy for the people getting run over by trains. It is their own fault. Even if they die, they could have prevented it by logical means. It's a fact. That does not mean I think it is right that they die, because nobody deserves to die but it is still a very dumb way to die.

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