Sunday 21 October 2007

Folie à plusieurs

I don't understand religious people (especially Christians). No offence to them as individuals but their beliefs and sometimes behaviour are freaky and in a fashion: scary. All their talk about god (look, I write that with a lower case 'g', how rioting of me) is just plain, downright freaky! They say he (lower case again, I'm in trouble now, ain't I) is almighty and that everybody should follow his set of rules? That homosexuals shouldn't 'be', that it's a sin to do this and that and that everybody should bow down to him. If that isn't fascism, then I don't know what is. The people who made god up and wrote down all the things in the Bible must have been power greedy lunatics! I wouldn't wanna meet them. I don't understand how anybody is willing to accept what the Bible says is required of them!

Worse is how they try to force their beliefs on other people. According to them, "god damn" is blasphemy and they require the word to be censored if used publicly. Okay, so if that is to be censored then can we censor everything they say about god too? I don't wanna hear it, I find it offending to be taught that god doesn't like me being homosexual or that homosexual people aren't allowed to get legally married. If I argue against a Christian person regarding that subject then I will get a shitload of citations from the Bible thrown at me, get told that I will go to hell and yada, yada, yada. Enough already! If they don't want us to use "the Lord's" name in vain situations such as "god damn" then I demand they stop their bullshit and keep their mouth in public shut about god and the Bible. Fair enough? Oh, oh, and I want to be able to get legally married. I'm not really interested in getting married but everybody should have the same rights.

Okay, not all Christians are like this, but a part of them are. I have no problem with them as individual people but if they start talking about god using spooky language as "It's the Lord's will that I do this" then I will wince and take a step away from them. It's scary stuff, yo?


Sara said...

De kom ju några snubbar och delade ut mini-biblar i åttan och jag ville inte ha en, gubbjäveln tittar läskigt på mig och säger "Ta allt en ändå" och tvingar på mig skiten. Jag slängde den när jag gick ut ur klassrummet :D Han stirrade ondsint på mig. Usch. Überkristna är så läskiga.

Quicksilver said...

Ja, snacka om att tvinga sin religion på andra... De är verkligen jätteläskiga och jobbiga.