Thursday 7 February 2008

Just stop!

Why are some people so in love with themselves? I understand if you've got strong self-confidence and that's good but WHY do people upload hundreds of almost exactly the same pictures of themselves taken by stretching out the hand and snapping the picture, in 90% of the times with a bit of angle above the head!? I am not fucking kidding - some people upload 20 pictures a day of themselves and they're ALL from the same angle, the same face, the same pose, etc. You have to bring out a magnifying glass if you're going to spot the differences between the pictures. Often they also look ridiculously stupid on the pictures and likes to mention it too: "I look a bit funny on this one!" but yet it looks exactly as stupid as the previous and next ones.

Worst of all, however, is the people that constantly comment on how good they look. BLEH! I guess it's a bit of jealousy but it really is so annoying! If they look good doing that pose, then I must look like sodding Aphrodite in comparison but apparently that ain't the case. So in order to look good, one must look stupid. Good logic there.

Why can't people just pick one good picture and upload? I don't care if you were bored when you took the pictures, just upload the best one (perhaps give it a little touch of Photoshop, too) or you'll bore us to death.

As if that wasn't enough complaining, today I witnessed another fucking retard sharing his music with the rest of the world. He had the typical "I don't give a shit what people think about me"-look and he was quite big with bald hair and way too big pants. It was funny though when a woman in front of him turned around and looked really annoyed! The idiot just sat there and thought he was really cool. He was bald, too, by the way. Moron.

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