Monday 3 March 2008

I see who you are

I want a boyfriend! That's the only thing missing in my life now. I've got everything else - the best friends one could wish for, I'm an instructor in BODYCOMBAT and I love it so god damn much and I'm good financially too. My life would be perfect with a boyfriend. Of course, one can never truly be happy because there will always be something that is wrong (haven't you guys noticed that? If everything is perfect in your personal life then there will be something at work or school that totally sucks and vice versa...)!

However, the ones I am interested in (like that guy in a nearby city) are never interested in me (except for once but I realized he was not boyfriend material for me)... And this nearby guy, how reliable is someone who hits on everybody and who seems to only want sex? Can one really rely on such a person to be faithful and honest with you? He looks good, he seems to be quite intelligent, funny, somewhat aware of his health. That's pretty much what attracts me. But, I guess I don't have to worry about these issues since I guess he's only after sex so no need to think deeper than necessary about it. He says he wants to talk to me, but then he stops replying and says he's sorry and that he "forgot" or whatever but he wants to talk to me. Five minutes later, same story again... He forgot. Okay, so he forgets about me, then he obviously ain't got much interest in me except fucking me so he might as well stop talking to me.

Damn, I'm so emotionally attached to everything.

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