Friday, 14 November 2008

Top 10 Star Wars Games

It's time for the Top 10 Star Wars games! Yes, I'm a Star Wars-nerd! Only one game per "franchise", you know?

10. Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (X360)
- Surprise! Seriously... There are lots of funny spoofs in this game. In fact, if it hadn't been for the spoofs this game wouldn't be ranked this high. Lego Star Wars II has given me many laughs and coupled with a good gameplay makes a good, enjoyable game. There are some problems with the over-sensitive controls and the camera but if you can see past that then there's a lot to fetch from this game. I probably wouldn't advise this game to anybody but fans of the franchise, though. I also love being able to play as just about any character I want - Favourites being Yoda (Ghost) and Boba Fett! I love Boba Fett!

09. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (X360)
- I think many people will disagree with me but the truth is the game IS fun to play. Yes, it's also very glitchy and throws cheap tricks to kill you which only leads to frustration but I found that I still wanted to continue playing the game because it is so much fun to just slaughter everything with my fully upgraded Force Lightning! Funnily, the game entered my previous list too but it still ranks pretty highly on this list because the majority of the Star Wars games are much worse than this. If you think The Phantom Menace for the PSX is better than this game, you need an examination by a professional doctor. I also love playing as Vader in the prologue and going around tossing Wookies to the left and right is very satisfying! The story is quite good, too, to be honest. I like the story. If you are a massive fan of destruction and Star Wars and wondering whether you want to play this game or not - play it! It's lots of fun, if you can handle the frustrating issues.

08. Star Wars: Shadows Of The Empire (N64)
- This might be the third surprise of the list, I know I might have an odd taste. This game probably hit the list because of the nostalgia factor, though. I keep telling myself - this game is really good, but it could just be the nostalgia. I think this game was the first to let us hop into a Snowspeeder and whack AT-STs and AT-ATs on Hoth in 3D, am I right? That was a remarkable experience back in the days. I haven't played this... gem... for a long time but I remember the levels are lengthy (especially Boba Fett's level - Gall Spaceport, my favourite level of the game) and that made up for the fact that there are only 10 levels. I would like to dedicate a bit of this space to Gall Spaceport. I was about 9 or 10 years old and this level kicked my bloody ass! I remember almost every second of it! It seemed to go on forever, too, and in the end, you fight Boba Fett and I remember he was hard as hell! Eventually, a friend of mine beat this level (he had a copy of the game, too) and beat the remainder of the game in a few hours only. The biggest challenge in this game is that level and when I finally beat it, the happiness was immense! One of my favourite gaming moments. I guess that might be a reason why I like this game so much.

07. Star Wars: Battle For Naboo (N64)
- Sure, it's Rogue Squadron with different ships and a couple of decades earlier, but I won't count it as a Rogue Squadron. There's a bit of differences though - the drawing distance is massively increased (that means you can see much farther ahead) and there are several ground missions on speeders. The ground missions are a nice change of gameplay but don't really vary the gameplay TOO much since the missions objectives and everything else stays the same. It doesn't follow Episode 1's story but takes place a bit before it (I think) and I think this was because not many people enjoyed the movie so the developers didn't want the gamers to feel like they experienced the movie again. Correct me if I'm wrong though. My favourite ship is the Naboo Starfighter and there's actually a code you can input in Rogue Squadron that lets you select the Naboo Starfighter! This is a nice little game that I chose over Conker's Bad Fur Day (I chose between the two) and I actually regret not choosing Conker because I played a bit of it and I love it already... I've been trying to get it for Xbox but no luck yet. Anyway, onwards! :D

06. Star Wars Arcade (Arcade)
- Everytime I go to a nearby amusement park here (Liseberg in Gothenburg, one of the most popular in the Nordic) I make sure I enter the Aracade hall to play this one at least once. I love it even if it's hard and I never beat a level, haha. The lightsaber against Vader is really cool and same goes for the Hoth battle with the Snowspeeder. Actually, I almost beat the Hoth battle once! :D I hope they never remove this game from the Arcade halls - it's a classic and still works even today, 14 years after its release. If you see this game when you're out somewhere then drop a coin into the machine and play because it's a lot of fun and you never know when the Arcade machine gets removed or replaced.

05. Super Star Wars: Episode 6: Return Of The Jedi (SNES)
- A classic! I chose between this one and Epiosde 5 but went for this one because this is the one I remember most. I used to rent this game when I was younger and played it til my eyes bled! It's a very challenging game and takes some patience to get through. You can play as Luke, Han Solo, Chewbacca or Leia (I'm not sure if you can play as anybody else, I don't remember) and they differ a bit from each other - Luke has the lightsaber while the others have blasters and rifles. I enjoyed playing as Luke the most, not surprisingly. He just looks so cool with his green lightsaber and it's more fun than to run around and blast stuff.
To be honest, I never beat this game. I got to the final stage where you blow the Death Star up but I never managed to escape with the Millennium Falcon - it was too hard for me. Who knows, maybe one day I will download a rom for the game and play on an emulator (I'm not gonna go through the pain of trying to find the game to buy for my SNES) and finally get to finish it.

04. Star Wars: Bounty Hunter (GCN)
- I said before that I love Boba Fett. Well, that's why I love this game. You get to play as Jango Fett (Boba's father) and he's just as badass as his son. Dual pistols, jetpack, flamethrower, rockets - you name it! The missions are fun and the game is HARD, almost too hard sometimes, so it takes a while to plow through it. If you want to, you can also claim bounties by scanning the right enemies and then either capture them by snaring them with some kind of rope or kill them - a neat and fun little addition. The game takes place before Episode 2: Attack Of The Clones and ends where the movie starts and explains Jango's story. It also explains where he got his badass Slave 1 from! I may be biased because I love Boba & Jango Fett but I do think this is one of the best Star Wars games ever made.

03. Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 3: Rebel Strike (GCN)
- Now, while Rogue Squadron for N64 was really good, I still think that the third installment is a bit sharper. Why? Because you get to control a freaking AT-AT!! You get to speed through Endor's moon on a Speederbike!! What isn't there to love about that? The game has excellent visuals and music, too, and includes some short scenes from the original movies which is a cool addition. It has some ground levels on foot that weren't very good but they weren't that many and except those parts, it is the best Rogue Squadron to date (is the franchise finished?) and the 3rd best Star Wars game ever.

02. Star Wars: Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast (PC)
- I've talked about this game before in my Top 10 FPS list so I won't write much about it here. I love the lightsaber duels, they're definitely the highlight of the game and I look forward to everyone. I had tons of fun online, too. Bespin. Ahhhh... Memories! I also loved downloading maps and especially remember a Ladder-one that I could play forever cause I enjoyed the lightsaber duels so much (it just threw lightsaber duel after lightsaber duel at you). Jedi Knight 3 was just as good, too, and had some improvements like three different lightsaber styles but I wasn't as impressed with it because it had the feeling of "been there, done that". Oh and I loved the online play with the X-Wings and TIE Fighters mod!

01. Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic (PC)
- Seriously the best Star Wars game ever and probably the best RPG ever. Mass Effect and KotOR1 are both candidates for best RPG ever in my book. It takes place 4000 years before Episode 1: The Phantom Menace and BioWare's take on the franchise is very interesting. The story is massive and engaging and spawned a sequel (however, the sequel was developed by Oblivion and was pretty much just as good but what stopped it from competing for the 1st place is that it's unfinished - it ends abruptly without resolving the main story and leaves many loose threads...). Jedi and Sith are still (can I say "still", I mean it takes place in the past? :P) in conflict, lightsabers are going strong and the Force is just as cool as usual. The technology is more or less just like 4000 years into the future which I personally think is a bit odd - surely development happens in 4000 years? Anyway, to be frank, I don't care because the game is so awesome. I think many people agree with me that this is the best Star Wars game to date. Now, if we could get KotOR3 instead of The Old Republic....

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