Saturday, 22 December 2007

Can we do this?

Good grief! Life is hard when it is complicated! I am completely torn between two things and it reduces me to confusion, sadness... I do not know what I should do. Part of me wants one thing, another part wants the other. I think the bigger part of me wants what would be the wisest choice but as soon as I start thinking of the negatives, it pushes away the positives at least for a while. It is not fair of me to even be in this situation when I deep inside know that I should just go for it!

But if I went for it and then planned ahead, then I think the issue at work would still be there and I would be both annoyed (due to one thing of the problem) and embarrassed, sad, I am not sure how to put it... And what I am asking for to solve this issue is not the nicest of things but it is for the better not only for me, it's just that it is a question of common sense or how to put it... Let us just say it is something you should NOT ask for.

I must send a big "thank you"-hug to Emelie who has been really supportive in this matter. Thank you! <3


Sara said...

och jag får inte veta någonting :(

Anonymous said...

Anytime and anything for you, my dear!