Instructing BODYCOMBAT at Sportlife is so INCREDIBLY fun. The regulars are so damned uplifting - they're always smiling, listening to cues and corrects themselves, they shout out loud and they put power in their moves! It makes me so happy! As I sat on the bus on my way home today, I suddenly got a huge smile on my face while thinking back of the class - they told me they had a great time and one of them walked up to me and said she was absolutely smashed, that she almost threw up during class! Do you know how awesome it is to hear this from your participants!? It makes you feel special, that you really make your participants work hard and have fun and it is extremely encouraging! When you hear responses during class like everybody screaming "yes!!!", smiling or chuckling or the occasional "huah!" it really makes the hour magical! And them panting after hard tracks, catching their breaths, is a small little detail that sends the signal that they got what they came for - hard work! It's so amazing!
I've also taught a couple of special classes for a group of girls the last month. That, however, is not fun. I don't mean to be rude or mean but they don't listen to my cues, they don't make any noise, they talk to each other mid-track, sometimes they're just fooling around making fun of stuff and they don't add any power. It's really discouraging. And last time one of them even said to me: "Hey, can't we do 30 mins of Combat and then let us go down to the gym?". That was just plain rude. It was EXTREMELY discouraging to hear and it was 10 minutes before the class had started. I lost all my motivation to put all my energy in the teaching when I taught the last class for them... I tried but it just didn't click, I just wanted to get through it. Not to single her out but she's also one of the worst ones - that don't add power, sighs during tracks and plays around and hardly listens to cues. Luckily, I don't have to teach any of those classes again for a long while.
But I have my Thursday class and the occasional Saturday class that makes me love teaching even more for each time! A big thanks and hug to those people, should they ever read this (they won't but... :P)!
Du skulle bitit henne
Enjoyed reading it.
Body Combat is so much fun for us-members,too! Keep it up your good work! (^^)v
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