What a mighty wicked world we live in, eh. I mean, it's totally out of control. There is the climate issue and what do people do to help? Fucking nothing. They litter the streets and they're so lazy that they take the car instead of walking, taking the bike or bus. I guess what irritates me most is the sodding littering. Come on, knock it off! Not only is it harmful to our planet but it is also unnecessary work for the people who have to pick it up after YOU. If you know you can't handle hanging onto a little plastic wrapping or a bottle then I wonder how you handle consuming it. It has to be, physically, more demanding to actually remove the, for example, wrapping, move the candy bar to your mouth with your hand and arm, open your mouth, stick it in and bite off a chunk and then chew it. Repeat the process as needed. Compare that to actually putting the weightless plastic in your pocket or keeping it in your hand until you reach a trash bin. Think about the way that you live today or I swear you will pay the price sooner or later. Not only because of you but because there are millions of other people like you and you all play an equal part in corrupting nature. It isn't much to ask for, is it?
There's this guy at the gym I instruct at. He lives five (5!) minutes by foot from the gym and he openly admits that he takes the car or his moped everyday. Give me a break! He also says that he isn't lazy, because he works-out a lot at the gym. Okay, what the hell? That isn't my point. The point is that if only he could use his feet to either walk or bike there, he would do our planet a small favor.
But I guess that's what a driver's license does to you. It makes you lazy. Before you would walk those five minutes but now that you're eligible to drive a car you think: Ah what the hell, I might as well take the car! and not only does that makes you lazy, but you contribute to corrupting the planet. Mother Nature would like to thank you for your co-operation!
Now, I am not perfect but I do my very best to ensure I do as little harm as possible. I always hold onto trash, I can hold on to it for hours if that's what it takes (and I have actually done that a couple of times... sometimes I've even forgotten about the plastic in my hand so I've walked around with it for ages, haha...) and I've decided I don't want a driver's license yet because I'm very confident that will make me lazy too. I don't want to fall into that trap. I love to walk and I will continue to do it for as long as I can. If I need to get somewhere, I'll take the bus or the train. On rare occasions I will ask my dad for a ride but that's pretty much only if it's an emergency. I'm not ashamed to say this; If people were more like me regarding these issues, the world would be a better place.
But knowing human nature, this will never change. We will continue to litter and destroy the planet until the end of time and we will all have to suffer the consequences. We have only ourselves to thank.
1 comment:
Är det en emergency kan du få piggy-back-ridea på mig om du vill.
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