The top 10 Horror games is here! It's too hard to narrow it down to only one game per franchise (sorry, but there aren't so many different horror games out there), so keep that in mind.
10. Dino Crisis (PSX)- Dinosaurs! Only for kids, right? Uh well, WRONG! You play as Regina who is part of a crew sent to investigate a facility on an island that is infested with dinosaurs and y
es, that includes a terrifying T-Rex! Some great moments in this game and it's consistent from the get-go through to the end. It's a different kind of horror game due to the dinosaurs and spawns some questions like where the hell did they come from and I bet that you'll be eager to find out the whole story behind it. The graphics might be outdated (remake, please Capcom?!) but it's definitely worth playing because it's still scary and it's still got some great gameplay moments. It plays much like Resident Evil but keep in mind it both games were developed by the same company (Capcom) so that is to be expected. Also play Dino Crisis 2 if you like this game, it's not as good nor as scary but it's a still a good game.
09. Resident Evil REmake (GCN)
- A remake of the first Resident Evil-game, which was released for the PlayStation. It has gorgeous visuals, refind voice acting and some new stuff added. A great package. The best
addition, I think, is the Crimson Head. When you kill a zombie you must either do it by blowing their head off or by burning their corpse because if you don't, there's a chance they might get up later when you're passing through, thinking you're safe, and they will be more menacing than ever as they run at you and try to rip you to shreds! Another great addition is the Defense Items which you can use if you get grabbed by a zombie or knocked down by a Hunter. When asking fans about their favourite RE-game, it seems it's always a tie between RE2 and REmake, and it's far, far from a bad game but I think it can get a bit boring at parts and that's why it's #9.
08. Resident Evil: Code Veronica X (GCN)- I think that this game feels a lot like RE2 and I don't know why. It has
lots of scares and Claire (from RE2) as the main protagonist, which might be why I am reminded of RE2. I like Claire. She's just... I don't know, I just like her for some reason. Anyway, the story is bizarre (Alfred and Alexia) but interesting and half-way through there's a nice change of environment never before seen in an RE-game. Wesker also returns (he was presumed killed in the first game) with a supernatural twist and in the end, there's a nice action sequence. Not a lot of fans like CVX but I think it's one of the best RE-games out there.
07. Condemned 2: Bloodshot (X360)- First-person horror at its best. I haven't played F.E.A.R. but horror in first-person is almost non-existent. I can only name three games and I've already mentioned two, the first being the predecessor to
Condemned 2. I like both Condemneds but I think that the second game is a tad better than the first. They're both pretty similar in style but something about the second game makes it even scarier and rougher than the first. A focus on melee weapons forces you to go up close and whack the enemies, which makes the game a bit harder too because you're vulnerable from close range. My favourite level is the Black Lodge (I think that's the name?) where you are chased by this huge monster inside a huge cabin and you must escape from it otherwise it kills you and it really got my hurt pumping. That's one thing that always scares me - being chased by something that will kill you if it catches up with you so you will have to run away from it. The game is dark, moody and has lots of atmosphere and a some great sounds that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Now awaiting Condemned 3!
06. Dead Space (X360)
- Whoa! EA can make a game this good? What the hell? Something is wrong... but I ain't

complaining. This game is true Survival Horror. It came out two weeks ago but it's already in my top 5, that says a lot about the quality of this game. I first played on Hard (I always do) and I was surprised at how HARD it really is. Ammo is scarce and health packs too but enemies are plenty. This game feels like an Aliens (that's the second movie for you who don't know the difference between Alien (first) and Aliens (second)) set on a mining spaceship instead of a colony on a planet and that's a plus! The game also packs some great boss battles. This is the rebirth of the Survival Horror-genre and if you are a fan you should pick it up!
05. Silent Hill 2 (Xbox)
- Excellent atmosphere, much thanks to the atmospheric soundtrack and the very deep and emotional story. This is a really great game and one scary game too. It has the legendary descent down through what seems like an eternity of holes which is one of the most bizarre moments in gaming history. Then the reveal at the end... Shocking and truly sad. Wow. A masterpiece that everyone should play.
04. Alone In The Dark: A New Nightmare (PSX)- A classic game, in my opinion. I first played it for the PSX (but also played the whole game on PS2 but at a friend's place) and was scared to death by the many different scares. One thing I

also truly love about this game is the setting and the story - it's set in the early 1900s and deals with ancient history about some Indians called the Abkani and I find it all very fascinating. I remember reading the "Morton Family History"-book in the library in the game and I still remember more than half of it because it was so interesting. The game also hosts a very chilling and scary soundtrack and was one of the first games to utilize the flashlight in a such a cool way. The enemies are afraid of the light so they will try to hide if you point the light at them. A very good game that is underrated.
03. Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (GCN)- This game will fuck with your mind, seriously. It might not be so scary but it's one hell of a well-made game with a strong soundtrack, solid voice-acting, a very good story and one very unique addition - The Sanity Meter! The Sanity Meter is a green meter that drops everytime

you encounter an enemy (they're undead mobs and drain your sanity, it makes sense) and if that meter goes below a certain point you will start hallucinating. However, you will usually not realize you're hallucinating. My favourite one is the one that erases all the data on your memory card (when you save and then it says: "Erasing All Data on Memory Card" and shows a progress bar). When I first got it I was terrified and so shocked and wanted to cry only to, seconds later, realize the game was just fucking with me. There are also a hallucination that turns the room upside down, which is a fun one cause you wonder what the hell is going on. There many more hallucinations to discover and I don't wanna spoil them all (although I probably spoiled the best one :P) . Too bad Silicon Knights didn't make any games nearly as good as this game afterward (Too Human, for example).
02. Silent Hill 3 (PC)
- Many will argue that Silent Hill 2 is the best game of the franchise. I will agree that it has the best story (one of the best stories of any video game, to be frank) and it is the most emotional one, but I think that SH3 is scarier and has an eerier atmosphere and just feels like a tad better

game. SH3 also has, in my opinion, the best soundtrack. Akira Yamaoka never disappoints! Anyone who has heard the music from any SH game except the first one will probably agree on this point. There are so many scary noises in this game too, especially the pendulums that sound like a buzzsaw trying to cut through metal. The nurses in the hospital are extremely freaky too, they make this heavy breathing and I panic whenever I hear them! This game also holds one of the hardest and the most annoying(but also most gruesome) puzzle of all games I've played - yes, that's right - the hospital door code with the horrifying poem. I really believe this to be the best Silent Hill out there, I have yet to play Homecoming (damn PAL-release delayed until February!!) but after reading reviews I'm not so sure it would make this top 10-list.
01. Resident Evil 2 (GCN)
- The first horror game I ever played but also the best one I have ever played. The scares are endless in this game and it's packed with 4 different scenarios and two bonus games (one with Hunk and another with Tofu) which is very

generous and keeps the replay value high. There are also many special weapons and costumes to collect depending on your rating when finishing the game. Who can forget the licker in the one-way mirror, Mr. X bursting through the studio walls and the hands that grab you through the wooden planks in that narrow, green corridor? An epic game and I never tire of beating it because it is so good. It has all the flaws that other Resident Evil games have - bad voice acting (although it has improved in later years) and a weak story but it doesn't matter to me when it comes to this game - it's just so good. It seems that the majority of the Resident Evil-fans seem to prefer the second game - maybe because it simply is the best? It also has the most eerie soundtrack of all RE-games and the most nostalgic soundtrack - I will never forget the haunting sounds of the different floors in the R.P.D. building. The save theme music is the best of the series, too. If you haven't played this game, you should pick it up! It exists on many, many different systems and I'd say the N64 is the best one - it has many nifty extras that other versions don't have, like the "Randomizer" which switches places of items. A fun addition!
Honorary Mention: Silent Hill (PSX)
- Great, GREAT game but it's in desperate need of an update! The controls are extremely slow and clumsy and the grapics are horribly outdated. Update these two things, leave everything else as it is, and we have a candidate for the Top 3. :D